What is CIPA & COPPA?

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a big federal law that protects children. The main concern that  CIPA is protecting children from is access to harmful parts of the internet. This law requires all K-12 schools to use web filters to protect their students. For schools to receive an E-rate discount they must show proof that they are using a safety policy which include blocking or filtering harmful online content. Not only must they show proof, but they also need to hold public meetings to show they are using it. Lastly, schools need to also educate their students how to use the internets in a safe way, including knowledge on cyberbullying, chat rooms, and social networking.

                                                                  CIPA, COPPA, & FERPA

                                                                        Image Source: CIPA, COPPA, FERPA

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is also a law that focuses on how websites and online services can collect students' data. This Act has rules that need to be followed by school such as getting parent consent before collecting student information, having a clear privacy policy, and keeping confidential information secure. All websites that may be accessed by children 13 years of age or younger must follow these regulations. 

For more friendly information on CIPA and COPPA I have linked a couple videos to watch.


I think schools having CIPA and COPPA are very important. Nowadays students can access lots of different things on the internet with a click of a button. There are lots of great things about technology in the classroom but there are also risks that we take by not knowing what these children see on the internet. But with CIPA and COPPA in place I believe that lowers the risks of student information being stolen as well as students accessing inappropriate and harmful things on the internet. 

I do however think CIPA and COPPA should not only be targeting students 13 years and younger. I think they should definitely be targeting the high school age group as well. Lots of these incidents that we are trying to avoid happens in high school. Having this protection for the students can help prevent that. 

            CIPA, COPPA, FERPA

                                                                        Image Source: Pintrest

Just recently, my district's technology specialist sent out an email about the Student Online Personal Protection Act where our district has been sharing some of the students information without our knowledge. They have now put a filter on apps students and staff can and cannot use. They've approved all the apps we can safely use for educational purposes now where before we were able to use whichever app we wanted to. 

                                                                Image Source: Neeva


  1. Great to hear your district is on top of the SOPPA law!

  2. Diana, I agree that with all the benefits technology provides to our students, there are still many risks. Thus, we have to be very careful constantly supervising ( on top of everything else we need to do) to make sure our kids are using technology in appropriate way. Our district also has restricted the app. I can only download apps that are provided by district with self service, but I am not able to download any app I want from app store.


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