
Showing posts from March, 2022
  What is privacy on social media? Usually we think of privacy as a way to keep our lives private or not sharing a lot with others. But, how do we have privacy on social media? There are millions of people around the world who have social media accounts. When making an account we need to agree to the privacy terms and conditions but do we really read them? No, we hit "agree" and move on with the account. These privacy terms are very important to understand so we know what are consenting to. Rowenna Fielding reads those terms and conditions so we don't have to.  As I was listening to a podcast about privacy on social media with Rowenna Fielding and Lorrie Cranor, a professor at Carnegie Mellon and director of CyLab Security and Privacy  Institute, they really made me think about all the apps I have downloaded on my phone or will continue to download. They discuss how social media makes their privacy terms very long and full of words we will not understand-which I agree wi
Learning With Social Media As a teacher on social media, I would not consider myself very involved with other educators. After reading a poster with the seven degrees of connectedness , I would say I am at stage 1: Lurker. I would like to be more involved on social media, but I typically am reading through what other teachers have to share and learn new ideas and activities I can use ion my own classroom. I would like to be more involved in professional learning networks (PLNs) not only for myself to learn and engage in new things but for other educators who may need extra support.  Social Benefits I have recently learned from  Torrey Trust, an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, that PLNs  support  educators in four different ways: social, effective, cognitive, and identity . Effective and  cognitive  supports are most  relevant  to me. I am always finding myself reflecting on my own teaching styles and always  wanting  to learn new things to try in my clas
All About Me Hi Everyone, my name is Diana Kishta and I am a second year 3rd grade Math and Science teacher. I am 23 years old and graduated with my Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education in May 2020. During my first year of teaching I decided to go back to school to complete my EL Endorsement to learn new strategies of teaching EL students, especially because I myself speak a second language, Arabic. After completing my EL Endorsement, I decided to continue my education further and am excited to finish my Masters later this year! It has been a tough first couple years of teaching but I really love what I do. I enjoy working with children and helping them grow in education but also in being a person. It is very rewarding watching these children grow which is one of my biggest reasons why I love being a teacher! Aside from my school and work life, I have 2 brothers and 1 sister and just got married to my best friend in December! Family is a big part of my life and love to enjoy speci